Saturday, March 04, 2006

Our first week back at home

Thought I would add a photo of Jeff from one of our camping trips last summer.

What an interesting week's it been .... Our home health nurse arrived on Monday evening and showed us how to hook up the IV on Jeff. As I mentioned earlier, they want this to help keep his blood sugars normal overnight. Everything went well considering none of us are nurses :).

Jeff's started to feel a little better by Tuesday and was able to work from home. I returned to work and Sharon (Wife #2) was able to stay here and help keep an eye on Jeff. What would we ever do with our friends and family! Jeff still hasn't had much of an appetite and is very fatigued. Working from home has allowed him to take a couple of naps throughout the day and that seems to help.

Jeff has to have blood tests two times per week until he goes to the doctor on March 17th and he got his first tests done this past Thursday. Unfortunately, his white blood cell count was extremely low. The staff at NIH said this is normal from the chemo/procedure, and had sent us home with injection that he needs to have for seven days until his white blood cell count returns to normal. The home health nurse came back on Thursday to change the dressing in Jeff's pic line and she gave the first injection. I gave the second one on Friday and to my amazement, Jeff said it was better than the home health nurse (he is so sweet to lie like that :))

Dr. Pingpank stopped the IV after Monday night and Jeff's blood sugars have been AWESOME! The only dip was on Monday morning and it was 70...a far cry from the mid-20's we have seen earlier. Since then, he has had blood glucose levels 80 and higher even with the reduced appitite. By Friday night, we didn't have to get up and test his blood sugar or eat a snack in the middle of the night. Perhaps he'll start to get a good night's sleep soon.

Everyone who has posted comments on this blog, shared it with friends or family we haven't had time to reach, sent e-mail, gifts and cards, called and prayed has been the reason we are able to make it through this difficult time. What an amazing show of support and strength for us! I don't think Jeff or I really understood just how many friends we had made in our lifetime....and we can't forget all of our family members who have been by our side despite their distance (Texas, California, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Florida, Massachutes, Utah, Nevada). THANK YOU for all you have done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Jeff & Linda (& Brad & Brittany, too!) - Sounds like you'r getting things under control; give this thing "what for" and let it know who's in charge!! Jeff, my
sister Jeanie sends her best to you, too. I forwarded your email to Brian; he sez you're in his thoughts as well; don't know if he'll get around to actually communicating, he's pretty lazy about things like that.
Everything else I think of to say just sounds like a cheap Hallmark card, and you deserve better than that, but, you may recall, we almost went off a cliff together once before and you managed to prevent it, so I know you'll get through this one, too. Of course, the last time it WAS dark. And we were pretty wasted...

All our best from both of us... J&R

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff, Linda, Brittany, Bradley and my regards to Justin.

Glad to know Jeff is home and the blood sugars are getting into control. I know what a drag that can be, since I test my blood sugars every day, twice a day. But you eventually get the hang of it. Not easy with the injections either but you always manage to adjust.

This certainly has been a journey and we have you in our prayers each and everyday. I know so many people are praying for you all and it shows.

I hope you know no matter what day goes by our love is with you all and you mean the world to us.

Linda thanks a million for setting this up for us, words can not express my sincere thanks.

We loved the picture of Jeff, go Red Sox.

I called tonight and spoke to Brittany. Will continue to call and Jeff will talk someday soon but until then I love you cuz.

Love ya. your cousins, Colleen and John

Jeff said...
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Anonymous said...

I agree Colleen...the Red Sox sweatshirt is what makes this photo priceless. Linda

Anonymous said...

Jeff & Linda,
I just heard about your situation and wanted to pass on my prayers and best wishes. I will transfer at the end of the month to Jacksonville but if there is ever anything I can do to help or assist always feel free to ask.
John Miller

Anonymous said...

Jeff, know it or not you have a lot of friends rooting for you. Our prayers and well-wishes are with you. Keep us posted, your friend Pablo

Anonymous said...

You and your family are in our prayers. Remember Jesus says fear not for I will be with you always. "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day". 2 Corinthians 16. Take care my brother. Let me know if there's anything you need. Mikey V

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeff & Linda,

I know we haven't talked to you guys in it feels like ages... we heard about Jeff and just wanted you to know how much we are praying for each and every one of you every day. You and Jeff are many of our fonderst memories in Maryland and have always missed you. We are now in Nebraska and doing good. I'd love to catch up with you guys. If their is EVER anything we can do for you or your family please let us know. I know this is a hard journey but god is with you and you are never alone. Just know we are praying in Nebraska. Our home phone is 402-614-6236 Much love
Judy & Bart