Monday, March 06, 2006

Still here at NIH...but getting better

Dr. Drennan reported that Jeff's white blood cell count is improving and based on the platelets he received on Saturday, they too should be good. He's still a little anemic but they are monitoring that closely and are giving him IV Antibiotics. Dr. Drennan said that Jeff could expect to be in the hospital in a couple more days. I think he's just enjoying the luxury of laying in bed all day and watching the that the olympics are over... there's not much else on TV. His appetite is starting to return (it must be because he said even the hospital chicken pot pie was good...of course it could be the drugs) but his fatigue is still lingering. I'm sure he can't wait to do this all over again in a few weeks. Jeff's blood sugars continue to be in the normal range (whew) and we should know how successful the procedure was when he see's Dr. Pingpank next week.

Brittany & Bradley (Phil & Lil as Cousin Kathy lovingly calls them) are holding up well...that is of course until Jeff finds out that Brittany brought home a "D" in chemistry on her interim report card much for her driving lessons. I've been able to get back to work for the time being so that I can take time off when Jeff really needs me. Since he's sleeping his day's away at NIH just recouperating and he has a full nursing staff to take care of his every,....almost every whim....he doesn't need me hovering over his bedside asking how he feels every 30 minutes.
Wife #2 (Sister Sharon) is still holding down the "fort" and keeping the household running smoothly through all of this. She has been a blessing to have watching over things for us. Justin hasn't written or called in a couple of weeks but I'm sure he is busy defending freedom somewhere across the ocean. Please keep Justin and Jeff's brother Jim in your prayers as they both fullfill their call to service.


Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, Jeff, Brittany and Bradley (of course Justin is always in my prayers each and everyday)

Sounds like things are progressing and good to hear the blood sugars continue in normal range. It sounds like Jeff is in very good hands. Hang in there Linda, never easy but my prayers are there for you as well. Let me know if there is anything at all I can do.

Everyone sends their love and prayers from my parents, Aunt Claire and Uncle Kenny. From my siblings, Cheryl, Kathy and Kenny. From cousin Karen Shields to Auntie Lala (i.e. Judy). I have many wonderful friends who have put you all on many prayer lists and I do believe in the power of prayers. I had Fr. Bourque (our priest) offer a Mass for Jeff and had the wonderful Friars who live across from the church offer prayers as well.

You all are in my thoughts and prayers everyday and not a moment goes by that you all are thougth of.

Again, Linda thanks for this wonderful place to keep us up to date.

Love, cousin Colleen

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff and Linda this your cousin Kathy my though prayers and though are with you. Colleen told me what going on. My heart goes out to your family. I have been through alot with my family. Hugh in there Ilove you alot I haven't seen you in along time and miss you. I had my friends in AA are saying alot of prayers for you. I know you will be alright. Talk you soon Love your cousin Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hey Brother,
Talked to Jimmie last night via Dads new web cam...(cool stuff)
He sends his love and prayers...
Thinking of all of you!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs. Jeff I‘m Jim Hall and I worked with Jeff for a number of years at NAMO in the mid to late nineties. From reading your post its sounds like Jeff is getting better and will be home soon. Praise God for one day at a time miracles. I can also see that you, Jeff and your family have a long list of family and friends supporting you and your family through Jeff’s Journey. My wife Jessie and I would consider it an honor if you please add our names to that list.

Jeff, through your Blogs, my family and church family, will follow you through your journey; and pray that God will Bless, Keep, and Guide you and your family with his great hands of Everlasting Love.

You and your family are in our thoughts; our hearts; and our prayers

If there is any thing that you need form us we are at your service.
James And Jessie Hall
Great Mills, MD.

My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within you,turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understanding,
and if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.
Proverbs 2:1-5

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff and Linda
Glad to hear Jeff is on the mend and glad to hear your atleast back at work for a bit. The normality and work will help keep you busy for a bit and helps sometimes. Been a bit busy lately and glad to see the blog and atleast able to track the progress from overhere. My prayers continue for the whole family and hope this email finds you on the mend Jeff. Well more latter just glad to see some positive news today.
Your brother Jim

Anonymous said...

Jeff & Linda,

I just found out about your situation today and I also want to add that I know you will get through this, no matter how difficult the road.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the kids and as always, if there is anything we can ever do to help, please let us know.

Rob & Lisa Morris
Syracuse, NY

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeff I have been trying to see something about you so I play on the computer and found this. My sister Colleen try to tell I am not very good with the computer lol. I am so glad you are doing so good my prayers are with and Linda. I can't believe how old your children are. My son is almost 13 time goes very fast. Keep up the great spirits I pray each morning for you. Love your cousin Kathy