Friday, March 17, 2006

Today's Clinic Visit

Jeff had a CT of chest, abdomen, and pelvis along with lab work this morning at NIH and we just finished our first clinic visit with Dr. Drennan and Dr. Hughes. They reported that the procedure has had a positive effect on the liver tumors (they are starting to die) and that the pancreatic tumors are stable (not growing). His blood work is good and everything is set for our second procedure in a couple of weeks. Jeff will come back to NIH on March 21st for the pre-procedure testing which will include an MRI. If everything still looks good, the second PHP will be done on March 29th followed by 24 hours in the ICU and a day or two in the Adult Oncology Unit (3NW) here at NIH. Since Jeff's blood sugars have been normal since the first procedure, we are hoping not to have the extended stay this time. Dr. Hughes explained that there is no way to tell if Jeff's platelets will cause problems with the filters again but they will adjust the procedure accordingly again if needed. Unfortunately, there isn't any way to tell if his blood counts/platelets will react the same again or not. We'll just have to continue taking things one day at a time

I apologize for not updating the post this week. We are trying to get life back to a somewhat normal status and as everyone knows, that means long hours at work, time with the family and maintaining the household. Jeff's spirits have been better than normal this past week. We completely shaved Jeff's hair/head on Tuesday and it looks MUCH's soooo handsome!!! He's still trying to get used to it but it gets more comfortable for him as each day goes by.

We also celebrated Brittany & Bradley's 16th Birthday this past Wednesday. It's hard to believe that they are growing up so fast. Brittany is counting the days until she can get her provisional drivers license. She is so looking forward to getting past the stage of asking for rides to dinner and movies with her friends. Brad is planning for the upcomming paintball tournament and has decided to use the money he received for his birthday to buy a much needed "hopper" for his paintball gun. He's pretty much decided that playing paintball is much more important than driving.


Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds like all of you have had a really good week. I'm so glad. I hope each week gets better and better. Remember, I'm here if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for western medicine!!! I'd like to see someone accomplish THAT with acupuncture and homeopathy! So glad to finally get an update; Rachel went out solo this week while I was on drugs following oral surgery, so I haven't been able to get online as she had the computer with her (it's got our map program on it). Worry-worry-worry in the back of my mind all week. It's no wonder you haven't been able to update this week, though - probably wore out the vacuum cleaner cleaning up Jeff's boot camp dandruff! Perhaps it's time to post a more recent photo...(?) Seriously, I know your positive attitiude (plus a good sense of humor) have contributed to the good news. If love was all it took to cure this, it would have been over long ago.
Continued Best Wishes From Utah,
Joe & Rachel
PS - Belated birthday wishes to B & B!

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

Glad things are progressing nicely and all the prayers were an added bonus. I am so happy for all of you and nice to hear you did not post a blog because you are trying to get life back to normal, that is very good news. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers and prayers of safety for Justin. I will continue to call an send my love (p.s. thanks to Brittany for always offering me a welcoming voice on the other end).

Happy 16th Birthday to Brittany and Bradley, hard to believe they are growing up so fast.

I love you all very much and if I can do anything at all, we are only a phone call away.

Love your cousins, Colleen and John XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

Great to hear things are going well. We were getting worried with no update appearing!
I agree with Joe, time for an updated photo!

Rob & Lisa

Anonymous said...

Yah...updated photo!

Anonymous said...

So wonderful to hear such good news and things are looking up Jeff. You are in my prayers constantly. I love you. Mom (G)

Ronny said...

Your last Blog is very positive and I'm very happy to see things looking better. Please Tell Brittany and Bradley Happy Belated Birthday for me. I can still remember the day Jeff and I were trying to get them to stop crying in their crib. Jeff has less hair than me. I think you should send me a picture via email:-) Jeff buddy, Keep the faith. Love you man! Ronny

Anonymous said...

It was great to hear that the procedure helped. You and your family continue to be in my prayers. I'm glad you're trying to get some sort of normal routine's got to be so difficult and I can't even imagine. My prayers will continue.
Amy (Jim's wife)

Anonymous said...

Yo Cuz!

It was nice hear the postive news! I was looking through old photos last week and came across a picture of you at a very young age. The "nibbles era". You had no hair then! I'll scan it and forward it to Linda. We can use it for comparison. Cute and adorable vs oh soooo handsome!

Happy Belated Birthday to "Phil & Lil"

Big hugs to Linda!

All our love and prayers are with you!

Kathy & Kevin
& family

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear the positive news from the doctors. I am also very happy to hear that your spirits are up. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Friend of Kerris

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jeff & Linda & Kids - Just home for a day, checking up on you all. No news is good news, I hope. Where's that new picture?

Joe & Rachel