Thursday, February 23, 2006

February 23, 2006 - Day 3 at NIH...Morning Post

Jeff is doing much better than he was last night. The nausea is gone, the pain in his abdomen has reduced, he's sitting up and eating breakfast (toast and scambled eggs with O.J.....very good for a patient in the ICU who usually just gets liquids). Last night we watched American Idol and Jeff got in hours of the Olympics after I left.

The doctors were in early this morning and have discharged Jeff from the ICU. We are expecting to be moved back over to 3NW later this morning. Jeff's blood sugars are starting to drop a little but they are watching them closely and allowing him to control them with normal food instead of injecting him with the equivalent of liquid syrup (50% Dextrose).

The IT staff have gotten us access to the NIH wireless network for Jeff's computer and I don't think it will be long before he steals his laptop back from me :).

If all goes well today, we can expect to go home tomorrow (Yea!). Jeff and I both miss Brittany & Bradley (and the big screen) very much. Thanks to my sister Sharon (Wife #2 as Jeff lovingly refers to her), the kids have been able to keep their normal schedule and sleep in their own beds. Their cell phones have paid off this week as I was able to keep them both posted on his status via text messaging. The doctors are surprised at how "connected" we are....thank goodness for technology :)

As I mentioned in my previous posting, we won't know how effective this treatement will be for a few more weeks and unfortunately, we'll have to go through this whole process again. I'll need everyone's help convincing Jeff why he should go through this experience again.

FYI - I've changed the set up options to allow comments to be posted. Sorry for the oversight!


Anonymous said...

Hey Cuz!

This Blogger is a wonderful idea to keep in touch! I will pass it along to Uncle Rappi. As far as the internet is concerned he is the only one online! I will keep my Mother and Aunty Madeline in touch the old fashion way .... by phone!

I have been reading your jounery and I am in shock. Wow!

You have accomplished so much in your lifetime and this is just another obstacle. You are strong and will get though this like everything else you have done. Remember you have so much family support behind you ready to kick your butt! So do whatever you need to do even if you have to eat green jello all day to get better!

I miss you and love you!


Anonymous said...

Im glad to hear you are doing soo well already....You Minghellas are a strong bunch...You are always in my thaughts and prayers...
Linda I mean you call if you nead anything! Hope to talk to you soon...
Love and miss you!

Anonymous said...

They cant take out that drive and determination inside you!!, you can beat this, Keep you spirits high, let me know if you need anything.


Anonymous said...

Your in my prayers...and I know you will lick this! We're keeping the faith for you!
Jim (aka Papa)

Anonymous said...

Hey Bro,

Round one under your belt and looking good. Keep the the faith cause were all pulling for you. I will talk to you in the next couple of days when you get back to the house and get situated. I will see you very soon.

Love you,


Anonymous said...

Dude Man,

Anna and I have you in our prayers. Hurry up and Kick this $#%@. You are one of the strongest people I know and have no doubt you can beat it. Stay strong and possitive. If you or Linda ever need anything don't hesitate to call.

Scott & Anna

Anonymous said...

HURRAY ~ Sounds like everything is going well. Yes ~ Yes He should go through the next procedure because he is loved & cared for, because he is young & strong and has many more wonderful years to spend with you and those beautiful children. Love you all, your in my prayers, and may God Bless you and keep you strong.... Duana