Friday, April 07, 2006

How the Week Went

Before I update everyone, please note that the last four digits of our home telephone number have changed. Our new home phone now ends in 9749. All the rest of the digits will remain the same. I'm sorry to change the number in the middle of all this but we wanted to change our phone service to Voice over IP and we couldn't keep our old number. I'll also send out an e-mail with the new number and if you call the old number in the next 90 days you'll get a recorded message of the change.

Jeff has been home resting and healing from the last PHP. His week started out with some pains but they have subsided. He has to have blood tests on Mondays and Thursdays to make sure his red cell, white cell, and platelet counts stay normal. By Thursday he was really dragging and very fatigued. The blood work came back showing that his white blood cell count was extremely low. I rushed home from work and gave him an injection of Neupogen which is supposed to help. He'll have to stay on the daily injections until his white blood count returns to normal. I don't know if that will be a few days or a few weeks. The protocol nurse said that he also has some anemia and may need to have a transfusion at some point. For now we are just giving him the daily Neupogen shots and some extra iron to help with the anemia.

Jeff's appetite is extremely low and he doesn't feel like eating much. He's said that he doesn't want to eat anything that requires a lot of chewing ... I think it makes eating too much like work and work wears him out fast these days. Wife #2 has been sweet enought to run for the Wendy's Milk Shakes in the middle of the day if he asks for one. Jeff explained that food just doesnt appeal to him. Not even pizza, our typical Friday night fare!

The blood sugars seem to be back to normal. Jeff hasn't taken any medicine for the hypoglycemia since he was admitted to NIH and they have been within the normal range every time he takes them....even withtout eating very much, they have remained normal (yea!).


Anonymous said...

Dear Cousin Jeff so glad to hear everything going on. Take it very slow let your wife help you. I pray each day for you. You are a power of example to me to go through so much still thinking about everybody. Well stay strong and take it one day at a time Love your cousin Kathy (Colleen sister)

Anonymous said...

Hi honey - just keep the faith and eat if you can. You need these nutrients for strength. Now Jeff if I were there sweetie I would fix you some BEETS I know how you love them. GET STRONG _ I love you mom.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff,
Glad to hear that all is well and that you are home. FYI, the neupogen should help bring the counts up fairly quickly. When I had my neutropenic fever it took 4 days to get the counts up to a reasonable amount.
Hang in there, it gets better, I promise.
Kim Upshaw

Anonymous said...

"...he doesn't want to eat anything that requires a lot of chewing ... I think it makes eating too much like work and work wears him out fast these days. Wife #2 has been sweet enought to run for the Wendy's Milk Shakes in the middle of the day if he asks for one."

Hmmm.... doesn't have to chew vegetables, and gets Wendy's Milk
Shakes hand-delivered.

I hope you are feeling better Jeff, and if you are.. don't let on!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff (Linda, Brittany and Bradley),

Not a minute goes by and you are in my thoughts and prayers. We love you all so much.

I know you are doing your very best to hang in there and I am so very proud of you. This is just another example of your strength and ability to get through anything you put your mind to.

The many prayers and love being sent your way is examples of just how many peoples lives you have touched. As it is said if you have one friend you are a millionaire, you certainly are that a million times over again.

I have been blessed to have you in my life and give thanks everyday that you have made me a part of your life, much like a sister and brother. I give thanks to you for always being there for me and giving your love freely, you are truly a gift.

Know John and I are here always, if there is anything at all we can do just let us know.

I wish you all a Happy Easter.

Love, your cousins, Colleen and John

p.s. the weather was great for opening day yesterday at Fenway Park. The Red Sox played the Blue Jays. Of course the Red Sox won. Go SOXS......

Anonymous said...

Jeff -
Here's the sure cure, bud: time to start thinking
Good to hear things are still basically under control.
Nothing new going on here - same stuff, different trailer.
J & R